Online In Browser Tiny Tina Wonderland's Save Editor

Do you want to modify Tiny Tina Wonderland's Saves, Tiny Tina Wonderland's Savefiles, or Tiny Tina Wonderland's Save Games? This is tech demo about running Python code in the browser, but you may use it to the modify the savefiles in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. This was working as of TTWL v1.0.6.0a (2022-09-29)

If you want to use the old web interface please click here.

Do you want to edit your profile? Try out the In Browser Tiny Tina Wonderland's Profile Editor.

Using Pyodide I managed to host the python commandline program ttwl-cli-saveedit on the web! So this means python is running in your browser. If you want to run it at home just run on a Linux or OSX computer:

            pip3 install --user git+

More documentation for the commandline program is here: ttwl-cli-saveedit

ttwl-cli-saveedit in your browser

This webpage provides a user interface for you to modify your Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (TTWL) save files. What can this save editor do?


  1. First load the example file or "upload" your save file. This program will not send your savefiles anywhere, they will be locally manipulated in your browser. The details of the file will be printed below.
  2. Second, manipulate your savefile. Every button will send you a new savefile that you can download.
  3. Copy your savefile into your TTWL save game directory or folder and rename to a number dot sav (like "100.sav" or "111.sav").

No support provided:

Here's where I come off as a jerk: I will listen to actual coherent bug reports here. I am not very interested in feature requests. This is a technology demo. I will gladly accept pull requests. If you want something, then make it better, it is opensource, I just wanted to deploy python in the browser. Don't contact me about windows issues, or mac issues, or ask me where savefiles are stored. I don't know these things and I don't have any answers.

or upload your own:
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -o {savegame,protobuf,json,items}, --output {savegame,protobuf,json,items}
                        Output file format (default: savegame)
  --csv                 When importing or exporting items, use CSV files
                        (default: False)
  -f, --force           Force output file to overwrite (default: False)
  -q, --quiet           Supress all non-essential output (default: False)
  --name NAME           Set the name of the character (default: None)
  --save-game-id SAVE_GAME_ID
                        Set the save game slot ID (possibly not actually ever
                        needed) (default: None)
                        DON'T Randomize the savegame GUID (default: True)
  --level LEVEL         Set the character to this level (from 1 to 40)
                        (default: None)
  --level-max           Set the character to max level (40) (default: False)
  --xp-max              When using --level, instead of assigning the minimum
                        amount of XP for the level, assign the maximum (so
                        that 1 more XP will level to the next). Has no effect
                        when setting a char to max level. (default: False)
   --items-to-char       Set all inventory items to the level of the character
                        (default: False)
  --item-levels ITEM_LEVELS
                        Set all inventory items to the specified level
                        (default: None)
  --items-regular       Set all inventory item chaos levels to Regular
                        (default: None)
  --items-chaotic       Set all inventory item chaos levels to Chaotic
                        (default: None)
  --items-volatile      Set all inventory item chaos levels to Volatile
                        (default: None)
  --items-primordial    Set all inventory item chaos levels to Primordial
                        (default: None)
  --items-ascended      Set all inventory item chaos levels to Ascended
                        (default: None)
  --clear-rerolls       Clears the reroll counter for all items in inventory
                        (default: False)
  --clear-lucky-dice    Remove all Lucky Dice discoveries (default: False)
  --backstory {idiot,elves,monk,hoarder,alchemist,nerfed,clownblood,scraper,urchin}
                        Set backstory (default: None)
  --hero-stats HERO_STATS
                        Sets all raw Hero Stats to the specified value (from
                        10-30) (default: None)
  --hero-stats-max      Sets all raw Hero Stats to their maximum values
                        (default: False)
  --str STRENGTH        Sets the value of the Strength Hero Stat (from 10-30)
                        (default: None)
  --dex DEXTERITY       Sets the value of the Dexterity Hero Stat (from 10-30)
                        (default: None)
  --int INTELLIGENCE    Sets the value of the Intelligence Hero Stat (from
                        10-30) (default: None)
  --wis WISDOM          Sets the value of the Wisdom Hero Stat (from 10-30)
                        (default: None)
  --con CONSTITUTION    Sets the value of the Constitution Hero Stat (from
                        10-30) (default: None)
  --att ATTUNEMENT      Sets the value of the Attunement Hero Stat (from
                        10-30) (default: None)
  --chaos CHAOS         Set the Chaos Level (default: None)
  --money MONEY         Set money value (default: None)
  --moon-orbs MOON_ORBS
                        Set Moon Orbs value (default: None)
  --souls SOULS         Set Lost Souls value (default: None)
  --unlock {ammo,backpack,equipslots,feat,multiclass,all}
                        Game features to unlock (default: {})
   --fake-tvhm           Resets all missions and game state. Preserves XP,
                        skills, inventory, unlocked Chaos Mode, etc. (default:
                        When using --fake-tvhm, reset all Shrine and Bottlecap
                        Shortcut statuses, so they must be unlocked/finished
                        again. (default: False)
   -w, --wipe-inventory  Wipes all items from inventory. Will be processed
                        before --import-items, so imported items will remain
                        in inventory. (default: False)
  -i IMPORT_ITEMS, --import-items IMPORT_ITEMS
                        Import items from file (default: None)
  --delete-mission MISSIONPATH
                        Deletes all stored info about the specified mission.
                        Will only work on sidemissions. Use ttwl-save-info's
                        --mission-paths to see the correct mission path to use
                        here. This option can be specified more than once.
                        (default: None)
  --randomize-customizations PROFILE
                        Randomize customziations based on the customizations
                        unlocked in the specified profile file. (default:
  --overdrive           When randomizing customizations, use the "overdrive"
                        slider settings, which allow for wilder extremes.
                        (default: False)


Character Info